Philosophy / Illiterature / Comedy

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Damn, i'm Good

So, yeah, I know I'm not a scholar type...nor have claimed to be. I mention this for anyone who projects such a claim on my

Because I regard both religion and science so highly, I stress that for me religion is metaphorical or symbolic, and yet deeply profound, more profound, never

In my opinion, to scrap the supernatural increases the profundity of religion traditions. To understand God and Eternity as cartoons is an inferior way to use these concepts. This is just one man's opinion, of course.

The character Jesus utters some of the most profound statements I know of. William Blake is an excellent interpreter of this character and his sayings.

Christ represents an Ideal that no man lives up to, just as infinity represents something that finite number can match.

I associate Rocknroll w/ Christ, and the Devil too, while we are at it. They are all just symbols for me, symbols of transformation.

When playing rocknroll (a term I remain fond of and have extended FAR beyond the 50s stuff), a person sometimes attains a state of ecstasy. And that's the point. For me, that has always been the point. To cross over from contentment to bliss. "Break on through," even if excellent song has made this a bit cliche.

Captain Beefheart. Do you know him? Well, the song Moonlight On Vermont contains the lines, sung passionately, "Give me that old time religion..

rocknroll is jesus is nirvana is the devil blah blah. i'm talking about emotional states. and those are just words of course...words for a feeling....a grand feeling, a feeling as good as biblical knowledge. check the etymology of "knowledge."

the elephant in the room is passion, emotion, bliss. the donkey or ass in the room is intuition. both are taboo w/ certain folks as both indeed are dangerous at times. oh yes. i don't deny it. Hitler didn't lack passion or intuition, for instance.

i was an ambitious little shit. i think it kicked in full strength when teenaged jesus jerk (yours truly) started reading that Norton Anthology in hikes cool (Billy Madison reference) & thought he was hot shit. meanwhile the other kids got laid, or at least were conspicuously matched. why do i reveal this? it's been a technique of mine for long time. you want to be trusted? then trust. confess your sins & ecstasies and others will, if ready, confess theirs. that's an old scoop. & its an inverse hypodermic periscope. you want knowledge aka soul-fuck? give and you shall receive.

life is short. when god died, it was no stretch that i would have to die do. "out of the blue and into the black, and once youre gone, you can't ever come back" but the song continues: "hey hey my my rocknroll can never die"

voices come and ago. the song remains the same.

rocknroll or jesus or the dick of god. the one, the primary, the etc. the what-you-will. names are not of the essence. oh its a beautiful truth.

last night there was mist on the moon. it reminded me of emanation, in the Blakean sense. the moon is always only seen thru the mist. only the mind/intellect can know the moon sans mist. and this is of course metaphorical.

formal logic is mist. our numerals are mist. i make this claim. i see the moon thru this mist. but i hope i get diarrhea before i'm cruel to other humans because of this claim. so fucking what if i see the moon behind the mist? ok, its a pretty moon. and yes it enriches my life. but most live and die w/o giving a shit for the moon sans mist. and they are not wrong.

because concept is beautiful, yes. but so is sensation. and more important than either concept or sensation is love. sweet sweet love. does anyone have the balls to celebrate love these days? or it more manly to talk of cunt, slit, gash?

you know who's a mother fucking genius? Walt motherfucking Whitman is a genius. (why all this profanity? oh it's playful, and let me pose a bit as the non-academic intuitive little shit I am, who only lives thinks & reads and never took grades seriously.....but did get those straight As once, as a senior, just to prove he could findlly)

profanity is not of the essence. but seriously..does anyone else notice what profanity and obscenity are made of? you guessed it. sex and religion. the unspeakables are sex and religion. and i understand why. so my profanity is methodical in this case.

sex and religion, religion and either know (fuck) or you don't. and i'm not claiming to know all i can., oh no. i don't want the game to be over. i want ascension. without contraries is no progression. the end of history concept is sexy. "absolute knowledge" aka "absolute fuck" "i am the truth. " says Plato Christ Satan & Nietzsche and who else? probably quite a few. probably Stalin. probably those sweet saints the prayed with animals. the question remains..who is this "I"? and what is "truth"?

"i've gotta use words when i talk to you" --a great t.s. eliot line from a fragment of a drama. "a nice little white little missionary stew" is another gem from this fragment. sweeny is involved. "and somebody's got to pay the rent."

do writers love words? i think they do. but also there is a contempt for words. and it has its advantages. yes, mother, a word is not what it refers to. but a word does not refer to sense experience either but rather to an organization of sense experience, a concept.

what is a concept? well, plato already tackled this. i'm no plato scholar, but i did learn to read once. we can't talk without concepts. i don't mean words. i mean concepts. i can't prove this anymore than i can prove 1 + 1 = 2. you either know or you cannot. some things are so obvious that no one notices them. and i have a contempt as well (and an affection) for the word "concept" (I gotta use words when I talk to you....and somebody's got to pay the rent.)

certain styles of philosophy strike me as islands of denial. they don't want the profound. they don't want the eros. they just want righteousness, an orthodoxy, a definite hierarchy. they don't need me and i don't need them. still, they are a part of me, my shadow, and i am theirs.

no disrespect to the formalist i have been chatting with but i experience mathematics like a diamond bullet through the front lobe. to call it mystical is to misunderstand me. the beauty of mathematics is its ideal clarity. the real world doesn't offer us this. yes, we interpret the real world thru mathematical forms, but the forms in themselves, or at least abstracted as far as possible, are more beautiful than in their diluted state. hence the word absolute.

i was at this party once and a weird guy who was a stranger quite obviously to drinking and women was going on about the truth of mathematics. i wasn't bitten by the bug yet & was still in my metaphor phase. well, i would tell him now that sure, math is true, perfectly true...but it's not the truth about nature. or not the perfect truth about nature. it's a language based on perfect identity on one hand and continuous relationships on the other. to oversimplify. f = ma is continuous, not discrete. but 345646.23423 is perfectly absolutely discrete. does anyone see this? y =2x has how many solutions? we represent these solution pairs as a straight line on the sex-why plane, and there are an infinite number of them.

do i have a math degree? hell no! no sir, not at all. no degrees. i'm just a thinker, just an asshole who thinks that reading and more importantly thought can do the job. what a fool, right? doesn't this jackoff know that one needs teachers? i was one of those kids who thought he was smarter than his teachers. was i? well, i wasn't as smart as i thought i was.
am i now? you be the judge. --as if you had a choice....

the eyes are the windows to the soul. another golden line from you know who. my big brother jesus sliced. or kriced. or what you will, because he's just a symbol. he's a chatterbox like hamlet. and hamlet was shakespeare's son. do you know the story? shakespeare's real son hamnet died at 11. shakespeare played the ghost himself in hamlet. and hamlet had an authorial consciousness, the widest consciousness in western lit, if you ask harold bloom. hamlet and christ, two of our best instructional puppets.

satan was the big brother o jesus, if you ask milton. or close enough. and he sure didn't like baby bro getting so much attention. so he raised his hand against omnipotence.

so do we all. we judge the world as ugly, faulty, corrupt. and its our own accusation that makes it so. "cast out opinion. thou art saved" did marcus aurelius read the tao? sure, i'll talk some politics with ya. and rail against the folly o the world. but there is another more important perspective, which is this: get the dirt out of your eyes and the world is infinite and holy....this is blake, job, christ, tao, plato, blah blah blah. all these great names are toys. all these great names are mist blanketing the moon.

in my early twenties i knew for sure that i would never be just a fan, just a zero behind a one. no sir. it was greatness or bust, and the devil take the hindmost. i now agree w/ blake: "if a fool persists in his folly, he will become wise." and this is also hegel and nietzsche that error evolves into truth. the higher evolves from the lower. and it never happens, never, w/o desire, eros, giving a shit. energy is eternal delight, except when it's confused and self-torturing. i know all about that. to feel this itch, this intuition of perfect beauty, and see everywhere only compromise and misery...and worse yet, to see this in the mirror. to fail one's ideals. now that's agony. "thank you lord that i am not one of the dirty little nobody's like so and so over there" oh the pharisaical folly of us all! this fool persisted in his folly, saluted not satan, which would have been a missed understanding, but himself, his reflection. "i am the captain of my soul" this, my friends, is real satanism, and not that kiddy stuff for sell at the mall. you will kill others or yourself as deemed necessary. & you take your pleasure as you like it. do what thou wilt shall be the hole in the law.

but who is this "you" and what does he "wilt"? if the self were indeed an island, then satanism would be true philosophy. mind you, my friends, that "satan" is just a symbol. anything more is a lesser idolatry. the self-idol is king of all flea-bitten idolatrous pseudo-kings. the self as truth is high tech compared to the rest. you already have exempted yourself from keeping up with the jones's & you are intellectually at least beyond all human authority. so satanism, or my version of it which is of course the ideal version, is not unlike stoicism and skepticism. it's a hybrid, even, but heavy on the transformational symbol, and light on the stoical ethics..

what is this transformation symbol crap? well, its ye old numen. its the ideal, and the ideal is always already erotic. what is spiritual eros? you either know or you cannot.; but i suspect we all know. i assume its universal. its beatrice. its the Good. its the eternal feminine maybe that draws us on. something o that, she said.

as my oft quoted hegel says, history is driven by the desire for recognition. and philosophy is driven by the desire of self-recognition, and is therefore a dialectical progress toward complete self-consciousness, or complete enough. philosophy doesnt really aspire to all the details of the natural world, does it? i think not. complete self-conscious should be understood generally. plato was quite the hegelian, it seems, and yes thats a joke. but plato put dialectic on top. i just read that an hour ago. whether we deny it or not, dialectic is obviously all reason is. and an internal debate is dialectic enough. i should no.

i'm not trying to show contempt w/ my tone here. let's call it stylistic pluralism, or saturday night w/ strong coffee & nicotine gum. god bless us all. its surely long been obvious to the regulars here that you dear friend reconsmucto is occasionally manic or ...excessive self-assured. i blame it on this coffee cup that my old man used to drink from. it said "damn, i'm good!"
