Philosophy / Illiterature / Comedy

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sensation just is. Emotion just is. No matter how many concepts we pile upon sensation and emotion, they simply are. If we have become blind and deaf to anything, perhaps it is this. Experience is neither explained nor explainable. True, experience includes explanations of many kinds. But a close look at these explanations reveals that they are generally descriptions that integrate various aspects of experience into a causal nexus. And this causal nexus is a learned abstraction.

This causal nexus is so well learned that it is taken for some sort of ultimate truth. Causality is the primary modern superstition. It doesn't matter what Hume pointed out, because nobody reads Hume. And it's not that Hume is so important. Causality is so taken for granted that it has become an invisible prejudice. The invisibility of a prejudice is a measure of its power over us.

This is not to deny the utility of causality, for causality has earned its keep. But let's not make a master of our servant. Let's not mistakenly see the human experience as something boring and explained when it is indeed a strange and terrible miracle.
