Philosophy / Illiterature / Comedy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Advice from J

A good friend of mine encouraged me to express my thoughts (which are stolen from the greats) in simpler terms. I think he has a point. I hope, if he reads this, he doesn't think I forgot to take his advice. It's just that I've copied some of my forum posts to Blogger, and these posts were written before the advice was given.

Hegel ?

Hegel is not an idealist as he sees all distinctions as imposed by the "mind/matter/geist/x/logos/it/thing/unnamable/selfnaming". As indeed, they seem to be. This is his great leap. The word "geist" is just the X becoming conscious of itself as the imposer of concepts. "Matter" and "mind" are both just products of something that cannot be truly named, but only inferred from fundamental logic.

Logos Evolves

Logos evolves(and already has evolved) dialectically/synthetically to the point where man can isolate the transcendental from the incidental and described the process/progress of the logos that made this possible. Man attains transcendental and dialectical self-consciousness. Game over. The rest is pragmatism.

Transcendental Ramblings

Transcendental intuited space is analog, or continuous. Euclidean geometry is transcendentally intuited, or so it seems to me. We can conceive of perfectly straight lines, pristine equilateral triangles, ideal spheres.

But when we think of Euclidean or "transcendental" points, what is it we are thinking of? Is an ideal point infinitesimal? How thick is a plane? Is it infinitely thin?

Transcendental time is analog, or continuous. But humans cannot speak from transcendental (intuitive) time. Nor can humans do math from transcendental time. Within it, yes, but from it, no. Humans can only think of time digitally. Why? Because humans only conceptualize digitally.

Infinity is a useful but paradoxical negation of the finite. Why paradoxical? Because man's concept is always (transcendentally) finite.

Science cannot perfectly measure anything. Because science is not only number, but only one number. It's true that we use ten digits, but these are convenient shorthand. To think of two is to imagine a unity next to a unity. To think of a number like 66.7 is to think of a unified quantity. Quantity is a concept and a concept is always a unity, essentially a unity or essentially essence.

reality as spirit / hegel light

We are reality, and our understanding is the form of reality. To separate ourselves from reality is just pragmatic confusion. It cannot be logically justified. The us-reality dichotomy is crap. We invented it. It's a superstition.
In this context, the concept of spirit would include all other concepts, as spirit is itself a self-negating concept. Distinctions such as mind/mater, self/other, and time/causality are secondary to reality conceived as spirit.....

Reality is a Torus?

The hole is nothing without the torus, and the torus is not a torus without the hole. Reality as spirit is reality as that turns in on itself.

Truth is fairest naked

For instance, the idea that all is one. The idea is unity. (transcendental, it seems.) This unity is experienced by some as numinous, sacred, "magnetic", sublime. Freud mentions/describes the numinous as an oceanic feeling.
At the moment, I think that transcendental and eternal are synonymous. But I've already mentioned this. I also now think that the transcendent is just the numinous. Or shall I say that the word "transcendent" is, in my view, the description of an emotion.

A numinous concept is a radiant eternity, or "spirit-porn" (God makes love with a mirror..) "Beauty is the splendor of truth." The beauty/splendor is the numinousness/transcendence that makes this concept a numen, and not just a concept.

Negative theology is an attempt to purify or refine the numinous concept. "Truth is fairest naked," Schopenhauer tells us (who loved both Plato and Kant...)

The more naked the Truth is, the more beautiful. (Consider the law of gravity..the closer you get the greater the proportional pull.) To unite the transcendental numen with the most nakedly transcendental concept is to arguably reveal Truth perfectly. An ideal triangle. An ideal sphere.
It's a triangle. We have two types of transcendental and a pseudo-third which is their synthesis. First, we have pure number. Second, we have Pure continuous intuition of space and time (perfect geometry/music). Don't forget that physics time is an imposition of digital pure number on these transcendentally continuous intuitions..... And as the utterly essential synthetic third: logos, which is a maker of unity like number but also analogical, and a describer of qualia. Hegel demonstrates that philosophy is impossible w/o dialectical logic or synthetic logos. Eternity is engendered within time. P,P,& P recognized that pure number was transcendental but didn't understand, as far as I can tell, it's relation to logos.

Monday, March 8, 2010


math is beautiful. math is a snow white virgin, pure form, transcendental, read only memory. a unicorn.

e is the number of life. grow grow grow.
