Philosophy / Illiterature / Comedy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Transcendental Ramblings

Transcendental intuited space is analog, or continuous. Euclidean geometry is transcendentally intuited, or so it seems to me. We can conceive of perfectly straight lines, pristine equilateral triangles, ideal spheres.

But when we think of Euclidean or "transcendental" points, what is it we are thinking of? Is an ideal point infinitesimal? How thick is a plane? Is it infinitely thin?

Transcendental time is analog, or continuous. But humans cannot speak from transcendental (intuitive) time. Nor can humans do math from transcendental time. Within it, yes, but from it, no. Humans can only think of time digitally. Why? Because humans only conceptualize digitally.

Infinity is a useful but paradoxical negation of the finite. Why paradoxical? Because man's concept is always (transcendentally) finite.

Science cannot perfectly measure anything. Because science is not only number, but only one number. It's true that we use ten digits, but these are convenient shorthand. To think of two is to imagine a unity next to a unity. To think of a number like 66.7 is to think of a unified quantity. Quantity is a concept and a concept is always a unity, essentially a unity or essentially essence.
