Philosophy / Illiterature / Comedy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

more strategy game innovations (?)

The Golden Spirit cannot be captured. Nor can it capture. Nor can it move except by moving through other pieces. It lands at the next empty space. The next spirit up is the transparent spirit. It is the same as the golden spirit, except that it cannot capture the ninth and it can move backwards. This makes it a supreme defensive piece.

Two tridents can merge to create a lance. This makes the tridents a potent team piece, giving them the ability to shoot by the drawn out defense.

Two omnis (or orffs) can merge to form any piece desired. The omnis have all the advantages of the tridents and then some, but they are twice as expensive.

The mothers are quite useful as defensive line pieces, as they defend one another and are quite cheap. Two mothers can merge to form an omni. So a line of four mothers can merge in a few moves into any piece at all. This makes the mother capable of re-enforcing the offense if a defensive line is unnecessary.

The Delta is the supreme mover on the board, having an infinite range in two directions. It moves like a chess bishop, except only in the two forward directions.

The Jelly is the supreme close range fighter, as its maneuverability makes it difficult to predict, and just as difficult to trap. A toothless jelly doesn't capture, but still is dangerous as a seeker of the ninth rank. A transparent jelly doesn't capture and also moves three rather than two spaces as a chess king. Except not backwards, as almost always in this game.

The Spirit is a lethal piece, as it moves not through empty space but rather aligned pieces, enemy or friendly. This gives it a range potentially as good as the Deltas, but it is dependent upon other peices. It's sideways movement makes it valuable for defense, also. The spirit is perhaps the most potent piece.

The transfinite does not capture, but because it moves like a forward only chess knight, it can jump past unwary defenders. It's speed of two is quite enough, if it teleports to the right space.

There is a bouncing version of the transfinite, that like the spirit, depends on other friendly pieces for movement. It hops like a forward chess knight. It captures friendly pieces, which allows it to jump to yet another friendly piece, capturing it, and so on. All a player has to do is create stepping stones that lead into the ninth, and the sacrifice is worth it. It can only capture an enemy after having captured a friendly. Sometimes this is worth it. It's a great piece for surprises.

THe game can be played in two ways. One wins by merely landing on the ninth rank, or one wins by holding it just one move. The opponent has only their next turn to capture any enemy pieces that land on his ninth rank.

This makes a rank especially suited for the m, and also the spirit and the o, as only these three pieces move sideways, and only sideways movement can capture an enemy of the ninth rank. A pawn is a half-price blocker, not bad if guarded by an m, but otherwise useless for the first rank. A spirit is perhaps the supreme defensive piece, if stationed on the first rank. But the spirit needs an unbroken line of pieces. It becomes clear that a good attack is a combination, as in boxing. Essential defenders must be disabled.

An O can merge with an M to become a N. The N is a non. It doesn't move. It doesn't do anything. It cannot be captured. A spirit can still move through it.

The spirit's mutations are the most exciting, as two squares become vacant as a vacant square becomes the home of a perhaps unexpected piece. The maker of this game expects the pro players to use spirits.

This game is so rich with offensive opportunity, that an inspired player such be able to keep the pressure on, until the ninth is captured.

If a Delta captures a friendly twin, it can move again, in the other direction if it wants. This is only useful in rare situations, as the player could just move the second Delta to begin with. So the trick is good for discovered attack situations, or for a doomed Delta to turn its death into speed.

If a prime captures a prime, it can become "female," lose the ability to capture, but gain the ability to move backwards.
