Philosophy / Illiterature / Comedy

Monday, June 21, 2010


being and/or thingness. discuss.

abstraction. what is abstraction? what are concepts?

concepts are concepts. they are their own form of being. all intelligible being is conceptual being.

but intelligible being is so mixed w/ sensual and emotion being that we do not see the difference. we experience a fusion. only dialectic can reveal this dual-nature of human experience.

the subject-object divide is a practical but illusory dichotomy. but so is the illusion-reality dichotomy. dialectic is a snake that swallows its own tail. still, a worthwhile residue remains.

wisdom is there. wisdom is findable. knock and it shall be answered. mysticism isn't necessary. the betrayal of reason isn't necessary.

1. most don't think w/ any intensity.
2. those who do must.
3. they must as the painter must paint.
4. concept is an art form.
5. clarity is one goal.
6. significance is another.
7. generality is another.
8. what is the conceptual skeleton of human reality/experience?
9. thats the task.
10. thats the sculpture.
11. thought as sculpture.
12. number is rarefied word.
13. mathematics is a game w/. indeterminate being.
14. the sacred heart of jesus is a profound symbol.
15. we are dealing with the heart and not the brain.
16. the brain creates the symbol of the heart.
17. all symbolism implies the brain.
18. the "brain" is just a biological symbol for Concept.
19. conceptualism is NOT idealism.
20. concept is the intelligible structure of monism.
21. concepts exist systematically, as part of ONE system.
22. we experience as embodied whats a unified system of intelligibility.
23. the real is rational. the intelligible real is rational.
24. the non-conceptual is tied up w/ the conceptual. we feel and then we name and describe these feelings with abstractions.
25. abstractions are universals.
26. concept is prior to time.
27. concept is prior to every THING.
28. thingness is conceptual.
29. thingness is unification.
30. unity is utterly prior to human thought.
31. human thought is unification.
32. humanity is an abstraction/concept.
33. thought is an abstraction/concept.
34. concept is an abstraction/concept.
35. what most folks think about least, perhaps, is thinking itself.
36. therefore our confusion.
37. we don't step back far enough.
38. know yourself. philosophy as self-consciousness.
39. wisdom is a matter of self-consciousness.
40. nomen est numen. naming is knowing. rumplestilskin.
41. i can type all i want. only a few will understand me. only those who care about clarity of thought.
42. some are sensitive to spatial form (sculpture and painting).
43. some are sensitive to sonic form. (music).
44. others are sensitive to conceptual form. (philosophy)
45. narrative is a mix of all of these.
46. in music, the theme is a character.
47. movies give us sound/image/concept simultaneously. the holy trinity.
48. the philosopher clarifies/improves the intelligible structure of human experience.
49. profound philosophy, the best kind, intersects with religion and art.
50. it is the task of philosophy to describe the task of philosophy.
51. philosophy is the root conceptual science. the buck stops here.
52. philosophy must explain the relationship of religion, art, and philosophy.
53. philosophy is the science of science.
54. the word science could and should mean more than it does generally.
55. we have a narrow view of reality.
56. our view of reality is our reality.
57. without leaving our chair, we can change our reality by THINKING.
58. the subject-object dichotomy obscures this.
59. reality/experience is naked. if we are blind to it, it's because we are addicted to vanities, confusions.
60. these confusions simultaneously flatter and limit us.
61. we can't see too far beyond money and sensual pleasure.
62. we dance sentimentally around a golden calf.
63. ok, so i exaggerate. especially in the case of the quality live-wires in my life.
64. but generally, no one sees reality as a miracle.
65. we are blind enough to be bored. and we are blind enough to not see this boredom as blindness.
66. feeding, breeding, and spending. that's America. most of America.
67. As to using our bodies or minds -- we leave that to Mr. Walton & sons.
